Saturday, March 31, 2012

Making (small) But Better Choices

The cardiologist called to follow up on the Brave Husband's stress test.  He did fine with that.  Just hypertension and high cholesterol which were trying to get under control with diet and exercise.  The doc recommended that we cut salt out of his diet entirely.  Lawry's Garlic Salt and Lemon Pepper are my two biggest staples... so I thought now what?!  Mrs. Dash makes some (pricier) but healthier options as they have no MSG, low to no sodium and are all natural.  So we bought their garlic and herb and lemon pepper seasonings and cooked with them for the first time tonight!  Guess what?!  I could hardly tell the difference!
The doc also said we should switch to low sodium no added salt... in every option possible for example chicken stock... I make my own stock so that wont be an issue... I'll just use Mrs. Dash when doing that now too.

Another change we made... I cook with Olive Oil but rather than continue using the bottle and pouring it into my pan while cooking, I'll be using the Misto ... we found it while out shopping yesterday.  You just put your olive oil in, pump and spray!  Puts a good fine mist of olive oil on your pan or food with out doing too much!  Love it!

In the non-food category... another change were making... is in where we download our music!  We use itunes, and usually purchase our downloads from them for our ipods.  But I just discovered that our public library offers 3 free music downloads per week per library card via their website and Freegal Music.  They've got all the latest hits, like Adele and Pitbull... for FREE!  :)  Can't beat that!  And since Jeff and I each have our own cards, we get 6 downloads per week!  Tonight I added Kelly Clarkson's What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger, and Pitbul's Give Me Everything and International Love!
I am so excited about this... we can keep current with out forking out a bunch of money all the time!  Check out your local library and see if they offer Freegal or suggest that they get it, it's a great thing!

On the work out front... I would say I probably did around 3 miles today...give or take, walking and running both!  It was a rough day for running, I was tired and sore from beginning to end... never achieved 'the runner's high' ... probably a bit rusty coming off of Spring Break here... but we ate well all day, drank nothing but water, and I'm just gonna muscle through it!

Tomorrows the last day of vacation and we'll spend it in the city, 6 miles or more on the Lake Shore tomorrow, I can't wait... I love the energy in the city of Chicago!  Night y'all!

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