Monday, March 19, 2012

Cheers To That...

So I've taken the last couple days off from the whole eating right and training thing... and I was really looking forward to whoopin it up for St. Paddy's Day!

Friday, kids party by day... Mom's party by night!
My girlfriend brought over pizza and I had to announce upon my 3rd piece that I needed quiet while my mouth had to climax!  OK, a bit racey... but it's a blog about a race, no!?  Just kidding...
I washed that pizza down with about 3 light beers!  And they too, were orgasmic!

Saturday, the brave husband and I shared some wings, potato skins and you guessed it more (green) beer!  Lots of green beer with a couple of shots of tequila (Coffee Patron & splash of Bailey's)  they were nummalicious!

We were hungry at 2am when we were done drinking like fish so we had to make a run for the border to try out the new Dorito Tacos!  They were salty, but good and hit the spot!
Needless to say, the mantra "my stomach is not a wastebasket and I will keep the garbage out" did not compute this weekend.  It was no holds barred!

This morning, Sunday... I quickly realized WHY again, I no longer drink like I'm in my 20's!
Because I am NOT in my 20's!  Yikes!
And, I realized how quickly my body got used to healthy food and was no longer accepting of this crap I put in it!  Indigestion, cramps, acid, bloating, gas pain... seriously!?

I found myself craving green vegetables and granola today... and it was the best I felt eating them again!
According to the scale my 2 days of "WOOHOO!" have also brought with it 2 extra pounds!  Fantastic!

Was it worth it... honestly, not really.
Will it kill me or set me back entirely... heck no!

I learned a lot!  For me it's now not just about feeling better, being healthier, losing weight and getting stronger.  It's about giving my body what it wants and needs.  I just didn't realize that what it needs is also what I want?!  Dieting will be so much easier now I think.  I'll just remember how crappy I felt this last weekend the next time I get the urge to stray.

So I'm back.  And my lungs are getting clear... still taking medicine but feeling better every day!
I've got the new toy, so no excuses about not being able to get out there... it's about to get real up in here folks!  About to get real!  Cheers to that! ;)

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