Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lose Pounds... Then Inches

If you missed my post yesterday I was going to be taking a few days off from training until my lungs are good and clear.  However, eating right continues (with the exception of St. Paddy's day, of course) and there are plenty of things I can do to help me reach my goal even if running isn't in the cards for the moment.  Such as... a pedicure!

Okay, okay, so nice toes and feet don't necessarily help in my training, but it sure makes it easier to take pictures such as this one with out cropping out the ugly toes!

Rock'n the green for St. Paddy's Day! :)

You'll notice the scale hasn't moved a whole lot... I'm at 178 now... still going down but not as quickly.
I was hoping I could lose more than 12 pounds before plateauing and I hope I'm just slowing and not plateauing... but either way... I'm not giving up!
I googled a bunch of different ways to break through plateaus before I read a very common sense response about how just because you're not seeing the scale move doesn't mean you're not making progress.  This is why we measure!  Because as our body loses fat and gains muscle... we may even gain weight, but get skinnier losing inches.  So I decided to pull the measuring tape out and see for myself.

When I started my waist below the belly button was 41"... today, it is 38!

I have lost 3 inches to my midsection and honestly I can tell by the way I am fitting in my clothes better!

Other than getting my toes in shape I am also going tonight to pick up a jogging stroller I found on Craigslist.  It's becoming clear to me that my ideal time to run is while the boys are in school in the middle of the day... and since I have lil' sis with me, this is the best I can do!

Over the weekend I plan on giving the ol' Ipod an overhaul!  Time to update!
I'm wondering, what tunes make you move?  I need suggestions.....

80 degrees today, I wish I were running!!! :)  Enjoy the beautiful day!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Veronica! I appreciate you stopping by!! :) Have a great day!
