Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Be the Change You Wish To See In the World -Gandhi

Seeing as this is a weightloss journey,  I should clarify what I mean by be the change you wish to see in the world...  I don't mean I wish to see the world lose weight!  If that's your goal then yes!
But what I am referencing is positivity!  A smile, a positive outlook, etc....

I have battled the Negative Nellies off and on my whole life!  And I am one of those people that if I feel something.. you know it... even if I don't want you to.  And then I wonder why those around me are negative?!  DUH!  I'm getting back what I put out there!  Here's what I've learned about positive and negative energy:

It takes 2 seconds to make someone else grouchy and negative, lose hope or focus... just like you!  No time at all.  It's very easy to convince some one to be negative.  I have no idea why that is... but that is my experience.
Positive Energy is trickier.
You can put it out there... but it doesn't manifest so quickly as the negative.  In fact usually your met with more negative in return.  People are drawn to positive but they don't trust it!  They don't understand it... so there much more skeptical!  That's why Misery Loves Company!
In order to truly spread your Positive Energy around, in particular when you're a Negative Nelly like I can be a lot!  You must first earn peoples trust that you are not going to drag them down 5 minutes later, right?
They're look'n at you sideways like.... mhmmm, I've got your number!

Then, you need to show them that you're honestly happy and feeling real positive energy.  It's not fake.  It's not a phony front.  It's real.  While being relatable and humble right?!  Otherwise you're just a freak with all that positive mojo!
BUT!  If you can get through the first few days and maintain that smile and that same positive demeanor I promise you, it'll start coming back 10 fold!
Positive Energy is just as contagious and the Negative.... it just takes a little longer to spread!  Be patient and don't give up!

Yesterday Jeff!
Today, Kris!  My dear friend.  This girl has been through so much this year.  Her Mom just recovered from her 2nd battle with Ovarian Cancer (thank GOD!)  Then her Dad has a heart attack!  I don't know how she is as fun, and positive and light hearted as she is at heart!  This has really tested her, but she has come back strong and she is an inspiration to me!
She says I've inspired her to want to do the same... lose some weight, get healthy, have more energy.
I'm sure it's been a combination of everything she's been through with her parents too... but I can honestly say, this blog has already served it's purpose!  Two people in my immediate circle are on board and I can't tell you how much that means to me!
Please go visit Kris here:  And give her a big WOOT, WOOT- Get it Girrrrrrrl! :)

One of my other goals in starting this whole adventure was to earn the respect of my children.
My youngest two just love me cause I'm Mom!  They're easy for now....but my oldest is 7 going on 40!
I'm not kidding you this kid has an intellect that rivals my own!  Just born that way, quiet and wise this one!  He makes many observations!  Such as, Dad is interesting and cool because he goes to work everyday, and he is the boss of the whole restaurant....  he is so cool!
Mom, not so cool.
She is like, hmmm, well... Mom!?  She doesn't really DO anything cool!

I know that your instinct here is to say, "No Mel, I'm sure he doesn't feel that way!"  No, he does.
It's cool.  I've accepted it!  But I'm not making peace with it!

So I did the final, FINAL step in committing myself to my goal.

I told my kids!

That's it!  Done!  Come hell or high water, I'll be get'n 'er done now!

My oldest was most interested, so many questions!  WHAT?  Being the first one!  Yep, your Mom is gonna start running again.... before you were born, I was a runner.  Ok, right there you lose them!  You did NOT exist before I did!  No way!
Where is it?  Can I come?  Are you racing REAL people?  What do you win?  When is it?  Ya, but what do you get if you don't get a medal?  (a t-shirt... which is all I'm expecting)  Can we race with you??
YA!  CAN WE RACE????  Kids are SO much easier to get on your band wagon, let me tell you!
As a matter of fact kids, you can race!  While I'm running my race, they will be holding activities for kids... such as races, for different age groups.... kiddie races!  You should have seen my boys faces!
They are SO excited!  They have been "practicing' running and racing each other ever since!

I can't tell you how proud I am, that my kids are not only interested in me for a change or something I can do... in addition to hearing about how they're going to grow up and be a restaurant manager like Dad, I'm also hearing about how much they love healthy foods and want to run in races, like Mom!

My oldest requests celery and cut tomatoes for school snack now and he is being the change his teacher wishes to see in the classroom.  She stopped me yesterday to tell me that all the kids were very interested in his snack choices and suddenly there's been an influx of healthy eaters in her classroom!
That's my boy! ;)

I'm one proud Mama!  I'm completely humbled and even still, amazed that the same old adage that has always been true, is still alive and well today!  We must be the change we wish to see in the world!

Sure, there are strengths in numbers... but there is power in one!  YOU are a powerful, effective, creative and influential person... all on your own!  Not just with titles or paychecks or what we've learned is influential.... but most importantly with your character, how you live your life and how you touch the lives of others!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out Mel! In this together we can do it! Much love and positivity! Muuuuah!
