Monday, March 5, 2012

Your Stomach Is Not A Wastebasket!

This is my new mantra, I found this quote on Pinterest and love it!  Along with another one that says "the food you eat can either be your most toxic poison, or your best medicine."

But damn, those fries look gooooooood!  UGH!

"My stomach is not a wastebasket and therefore I should keep the garbage out!"
Repeat 20X to self!

I don't have much experience with dieting and I'm not sure I subscribe to 'dieting' at all.

I think it's important for our body to have all that it needs and when I deprive myself of anything I immediately want it that much more!

I also believe that cravings are important to acknowledge.  It's our bodies way of telling us what we need.  For instance, I crave salty pickles or olives when I'm dehydrated.  I believe this is because the salt makes me thirsty and eventually my body will get what it needs, which is water!  My body may be saying, you need an olive?  Maybe?  I'm not really sure... let's be clear, I'm no expert!
But I've found that if I skip the salt and drink a glass of water instead.  The craving usually goes away.  So it would really be awesome to hear from people if they've ever experienced anything similar... or I wonder if anything has ever been written up or proven on this theory?  I'm sure if we could decipher the code of our cravings we could give our body what it needs and avoid what it doesn't, so much easier!
As another example, do I really need ice cream, when my body just needs Vitamin D?  Couldn't I instead eat a non fat yogurt or vegetables rich in Vitamin D?  (I'm not a milk drinker, so that wouldn't work).  But you see what I'm saying!?

This whole blog is going to be all over the place... I'm not going to pick any one diet or exercise program to do, because let's face it... I'm a girl who hates routine, has no concept of time and can't stick to things or as my loved one's have put it... finish things!  So in order to insure a successful outcome for myself, I'm going to be flexible with myself and allow for a ton of trial and error... and hopefully, eventually success!
If I never give up, success will be inevitable right!?  So I'm going to do all I can to make it easier on myself to NOT give up but instead SUCCEED!!

"All things in Moderation" as my Mother would say!  And for most of my life that theory has been true... and it will be again one day once I reach my target weight!

But it's clear, that my 50 pound weight gain will require much more than 'moderation' to go away!
Try DETERMINATION!  And let's face it, sacrifice!

AND, maybe even some dieting?!

For the first time in my life I am going to try, dieting.  I did a little bit of the Atkins concept in College when I was competing for Miss California and wanted to tone up for swimsuit competition.  It worked... but I also realize that depriving yourself of good carbs for too long can be bad for your liver and kidneys.

So I've been reading up on different diets... and I figure I'll pick from them all, like a giant buffet... try a little a this, a little of that...  Ironically enough, when I signed into my email this morning this was the headline I saw:

All about celebrity diets.  The Dukan was something I was already interested in because of it's similarity to Atkins.  Honestly, it makes sense when I read the plan.  Oat bran helps you to feel full and helps you lose weight.... eating protein only, like the Atkins... has proven to me in the past to burn the fat reserves that go untapped.  I just don't subscribe to the theory that your proteins have to come from meats alone.  Nuts, low fat or non fat cottage cheese, egg whites... etc... I think are just as beneficial and add some variety, if not inclusion to our dairy eating vegetarian friends.

The biggest thing for me, is that I can't stand being hungry!  I have no willpower if my blood sugar drops, I am not a very pleasant person to be around!  It is in everyone's best interest that I NOT starve myself!  I am a big fan of any diet that says you can eat all you need of the right things!  Luckily for me
I actually enjoy eating the right things.  I just need to get better prepared with having the right things ready and on hand, so that when I'm hungry and feeling that bitch switch flip... I don't grab the garbage because it's easy and quick!

So anyhow, I think what I'll try first (as soon as I kick this cold to the curb) is the Protein only for a week straight... with the daily tablespoon of oat bran and I will be eating protein in egg whites and non fat cottage cheese as well, I'll avoid the nuts for the first week since you can't get fat free nuts.  Even though nuts are the 'good fat', I really don't need any extra fat right now, good or bad.  All fat is bad for me at this point!

Week two I'm going to add vegetables.  But only the one's with nutritional value.... no potatoes or starchy stuff.  Continuing with protein and the oat bran.

Week three, I'll add the healthy fruits, no bananas yet. or other fruits that are high in sugar or carbs which can be turned into fat.

Week four, whole grains will be introduced again... in moderation!

One or two days a week depending on what's needed I will do only protein to maintain... all this is subject to change of course if I don't feel or see results!  But I feel it's a healthy common sense approach for now.  I'm curious to see if it works.  I should be able to stick to it because no phase will last more than a week and I have something to look forward to adding, and soon!  I'm in impatient person and this will probably be a difficult thing for me since losing the weight will have to be gradual!

As far as the exercise goes, as Dory would say "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming... swim, swim, swim"  Not a bad idea actually, whiles there's snow on the ground.... indoors of course.... but what I mean is, I'm just gonna keep on MOVING!  I am getting so antsy sitting here with a fever, writing about all I want to do!  I can't wait!!!  I will push myself physically, but not to the point of injury, just gonna wait and see how I feel.... do what I can!

That's all I've got for now, my head is foggy with this cold... so I hope it computes and makes some sort of sense!

Anyone have any experiences with dieting and cravings that they'd like to share?


  1. Quite a few of my friends have done the Paleo diet in combination with physical training and have had really dramatic results - adding muscle mass and while losing a significant amount body fat. Although the diet is pretty strict, a bonus is that it also cuts out common allergens. While I didn't do the full Paleo diet while training for the Tough Mudder, I did try to eliminate flour, white rice, and sugar (except fruits and honey). I noticed my energy levels were significantly higher and I stopped getting lethargic in the afternoons and having headaches.

    If you don't want to do anything drastic, I'd recommend cutting back on sugar and white flour, avoiding carbs at the end of the day, and increasing your protein intake. Protein is most helpful right after a workout. And of course, lots of fruits and veggies. If you cut out carbs entirely, you'll have low-blood sugar headaches and low energy. Just be smart about when you eat your carbs (earlier in the day or before workouts), and what foods you get them from.

    I'm excited to follow your training! It's amazing how quickly the body changes. Lots of love to you!

  2. Joy, Paleo was going to be my next route if I didn't see results with this... I'm hoping to avoid the 'strictness' of it if I can, cause I just know me and I don't do well with strict... but if I have to, I will! Thanks for the feedback on it! It's good to know what works!

    You're making me rethink the no carbs thing, even though it's only for one week! I can't handle low blood sugar and headaches! I suppose I can try it for a day or two and see how I feel, I wonder if that's what the tbsp. of oat bran is for... if it would help!?

    Thanks so much for the advice and encouragement Joy! It's been eon's since this was my arena.... so it's all changed! I feel like a fish outta water! I wish we lived closer so we could run together!
    I miss you and love you lots!! <3
