Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Enter... Circuit Training!

So, while I've lost 3 inches in my waist line I continue to have this round, hard little baby bump looking thing.  I would guess I'm oh.... 4 to 5 months along?!  Only I'm NOT pregnant!  I'm thinking that having 3 babies has done something to those inner obliques and outer whatever muscles that are going to require much more than running and eating right to fix!

I've been fortunate in the past,  until I've had kids... I've honestly never had a belly fat issue.  I never had to do anything beyond running and eating right to be thin.  This is all new for me.

I read something while researching how to break through plateaus about how I should be incorporating some 'Circuit Training' into my off days of running.  Ummmm, what in the heck is Circuit?!

Ironically, right after this I start receiving emails and texts from my friends who have been kind enough to read my blog, asking if I am, and suggesting that I incorporate this circuit stuff!  (thanks to Mike, Matt, Rob and Joy) ;)

I have to admit, I am clueless!  So thanks to you, my friends that have a clue for clueing me in!

Big ol' Thank You goes out to my friend Dr. Matt for taking the time to say... "what have you got laying around the house?"  Ummmm, a big exercise ball, some resistance bands, light hand weights... elliptical, bunch of stairs... 3 kinda heavy kids, a cat!?  I don't know!?!?  Anythings fair game, right!?
I bought all these things with good intentions, but until now they've not gotten much use.

So, Dr. Matt went above and beyond and took the time to send me a circuit training routine, complete with links on how to 'do' each thing on the list, right in my own home!  Thanks Dr. Matt!  :)  You Rock!

Check it out:

Work out 1
Do each exercise back to back with no rest.  When you have gone through all of the exercises that is “1 circuit.”  You will do 3 total circuits with rest between each one.  Start with the low end of the repetitions  and add more as you feel stronger.  Try to do this 3 times per week along with your running
Warm up 5 min on elliptical machine
Short Rest… then repeat again 2 more times!

So I'm off to do just that! :)


  1. Dr. Matt! I got your calls... thanks for checking in and thanks again for hooking me up with the routine! You're right! I don't like you very much! :) Just kidding!
    I am so sore! And sad to realize how out of shape I am!
    But I kind of did too much at once... ran also! I'm hoping it gets easier as I improve!!
    Thanks a ton!! I'll keep ya posted~ :)
