Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Save $ On Gas & Slim Your @$$!

I'm sure we've all seen the recent hike in gas prices lately, right?
I think my last fill up, on my mini van cost me around $80.  It used to be $60.... two cars in our family, filling up twice a month... that's an additional $80 to the bottom line of unbudgeted expense. 

Yesterday, I found myself trying to make a choice while the boys were in school... I needed to go to the grocery store, needed to go to the library and also needed to return a movie to Redbox.  So should I go for my run, or run my errands?! 
DUH!?  (lightbulb)  RUN my errands!?!?

What if we all started literally, running when we run our errands!?

I'm a big fan of killing two birds with one stone, but this is three birds with one stone!  Sign me up!
Now I can get my errands done, get my mileage and training done AND save on the cost of gas per month!
No brainer!

I'm lucky that most of my errands are with in 1 to 5 miles of my house.  And now that the weather is cooperative... I think I will start walking the boys to and from school, there's a few miles right there.  Library once a week, a few more miles... grocery stores, maybe once a day so I can split up my grocery run into manageable amounts... a couple more miles... you get the point!

But I am thrilled at the idea of saving on gas, and slimming my @$$... and getting errands run, all at the same time!

Did I get a few weird looks in my running shorts, running shoes, with my jogging stroller in the produce aisle, ya sure .... whatever.  Maybe I'll start a new trend!  Bring your own bags AND your own germ free cart! ;)
(an addage only other germaphobes like myself would appreciate)

So yesterday was a good day!  Productive, good 5 miles in... quality time with the kids, errands run, homework done ... OH!  And speaking of homework, look what I found coming home in my oldest son's school folder... be still my heart!  :)

We ended the day with a healthy, home cooked meal!  Why can't every day be like today!?


  1. Oh my goodness, this post resonates with me in a really big way. I've been carless for over 5 years now and have walked and jogged quite a few miles out of necessity over those years. The thing is, I now can't imagine life any other way. I get extra exercise and sunshine, and with the money I save, I travel more. Sure, it's a slower way to travel, but the time feels like quality time.

    And I LOVE the drawing! "We like to run." YES!

    I'm so glad you're enjoying your training. I'm sure enjoying reading about it.

  2. Joy I had no idea you've been with out a car for 5 years! That is impressive! I can only imagine the money you must be able to save... and once you get used to it, it's probably not that big of a deal!
    I kind of miss not having to have a car... like when I lived in NY. No wonder you look so amazing! And I agree, I love the fresh air, sunshine and 'quality time' that goes with taking my time to get somewhere... and really, I feel more productive and like I'm saving time by incorporating my errands and my work out! And so glad you love the drawing! For me personally it feels like the embodiment of success! I've managed to share my love of healthy eating and exercise with my kids and that is priceless! I've been inspired and impressed by you for a lifetime Joy! Thanks for your support and encouragement! Love you!
