Thursday, March 22, 2012

I Will Not Stop!!

So circuit training kicked my butt!  Thanks Dr. Matt.  Seriously, I ache in places I didn't know existed!
He tells me it will get easier... I can't wait for that!  Then Joy reminds me not to sit still... or it hurts worse... so what do I do, I keep on moving!

This is a super huge deal... I just ran 5 miles... with out stopping once!

I know that doesn't seem like a super huge deal... but for me, I haven't done it in probably 14 years?!
It took me an hour... not too bad... averaging 12 minute miles.  I know by a runner's standards that's like snail pace slow.... but I don't care, cause I DIDN'T STOP AND WALK!!!!  :)  This is huge for me!  I wanted to, many times.

Here's a bit of what I thought about while running:

I could hear that little voice in my head saying... just walk for one song... you're recovering from walking pneumonia... you deserve a break you've gone 3.5 miles already that's the equivalent of a 5K with out walking... that's good enough....  NOPE!!!  You defeating voice in my head, go away!

So I pushed on.  It's gorgeous out now, downright hot!  Bugs are out... I ate a few... they just flew into my mouth... extra protein!!  I will not stop!
I had a lot of junk to cough up from my lungs, and limited air... I will not stop!
There is sweat dripping in my eye, agh it stings!.... I will not stop!
My knee hurts.... ease up, but I will not stop!
UGH.... this hill sucks donkey balls!  I will not stop!
I want to drink a gallon of water, swish and spit, I will not stop!
That squirl, that is drag racing me... just won!  I don't care.... I will not stop!
I am hot and tired and my calf hurts!  I wanna stretch and walk!  Do it after 5... I will not stop!

It was a bit like hanging with my kids at bedtime... that inner voice!  I want one more story, I have to pee.... but I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, I'm scared, I'm not tired, I'm hot.... UGH!  JUST GO TO SLEEP!

And then.... IT happened!

Anyone who has ever run more than a couple miles knows what IT is!

That moment where suddenly, all the pain and discomfort is gone!  The fat is no longer bouncing, it's numb to you... you don't feel it!  Suddenly, you feel ease... like you're floating or flying and you can literally feel those happy little endorphins being spilled out into your body!

OH my goodness!  I think it's this very outer body experience that got me addicted to distance running as a kid even!  Oh how I've missed that feeling!  Amazing!  I've never done drugs, but I imagine it's a lot like something chemical that makes you feel invencible!!

I got home... and literally fell to the ground... then proceeded to drink that gallon of water I was fantasizing about during my run.  My husband said, upon one look at me... "Oh my GAWD, are you ok!?  You look like you are not well... like you're wearing a red mask!  I've never seen you like this!"
I was kinda scary looking...  but never felt better!   Because, I did not stop!


  1. Great job! That runners high is like nothing else...those kind of runs (where you could just keep going and going and going) are amazing!! Keep it up!

  2. I thought about you during my run, Lacey... and your recent status update about going into the weekend with a 5 mile run! So casual... lol, I'm like, ugh! I would LOVE to be able to that again! And I barely made it! But yep, I was thinking about you again, when I wrote about that runner's high... I knew you'd be one of the few that know what I'm talking about! ;) Thanks so much!

  3. You're so inspiring, Mel! My friend and I have just decided to train for half marathon, but I'm not sure I can even run a mile right now, pathetic... I can't wait til I can run 5 miles! I love your determination to keep going. I will remember that!

  4. Great job sweetie!!! I can't wait till I can get there too! Keep up the amazing work!!!

  5. Thanks so much Erin!! I know you will get there too!! <3

  6. Leia!!! That is AMAZING!! Congratulations!! :) Wow!! I know you can do it, you can and you will! That is so awesome!! Please keep me posted on your progress!! So happy for you!

  7. You are amazing....kicking dirt and taking names..remember that each day is a small battle that leads to the war...I will be there with you every step of the way. I love who you are..

  8. Awe, Brave Husband!! Touche... getting up at 3am to go to the gym!? I don't think I could ever do that! Very impressed with your determination also!! I love you too!

  9. seems like we're all inspiring each other these days! Glad to play even a small role in helping you with your great accomplishments! Sometimes just getting over that 5 mile roadblock helps you with the mental game of running longer you know you can do it, and every mile beyond 5 will seem more and more manageable! Just gotta keep putting one foot in front of the other--and remember mind over matter--there is a huge part of running that is sound like me--just keep not stop...I find that I beat myself up mentally when I run- but it's such GOOD pain:) & is totally worth it in the end!!! Keep that runners high!!!

  10. You said it Lacey! Such a mental game, for sure! I love the mind over matter aspect of it! YAY for runner highs! LOL! :) I'm loving the mutual inspiration party too.. contagious, awesome!

  11. Mel--I love reading your blog! It's inspiring me to climb back on the running bandwagon actually. I've run a few half marathons over the last couple of years, but after the last one in November 2011, I definitely fell off the bandwagon. I think I was tired of running...and just like Forrest Gump, one day I just stopped. And I didn't really know how much I would miss it! I know you know how much harder it is to climb back on the bandwagon than it is to fall off of it. My flight attendant schedule doesn't help anything either....if they had races on Tuesday's, Wednesday's, or Thursday's, I'd be all over it. :) If I can offer up one piece of advice...don't be ashamed to walk! Of all the long distance running I've done, I've never done it without walking. I first started out doing a 5 minute cycle (4 minutes of running, one walking), then building up to a 10 minute (8 running, 2 walking), and now I'm up to 15 minutes (13 running, 2 walking). I've found, for me, the walk breaks provide just a bit of relief to my joints (which saves me pain the next day) and gives me time to hydrate little by little, instead of having a bunch of water sloshing around in my stomach. Plus, it helps you break up the race into smaller, more manageable time increments. That system works really well for me, so I wanted to share...but I definitely know it's not for everyone! Good luck with training!!

  12. Thanks so much for reading and for the advice! I think I may need to try that method out! I feel so old and broken these days... and carrying an extra 40 pounds is not easy on the joints or otherwise! I don't think I'll be able to finish this race with out a certain amount walking or maybe even crawling! ;) Maybe next year, or maybe never... mostly I would just like to get this weight off! Keep up the great work and please keep me posted on your running endeavors! If you ever want to non-rev out to Chicago and run with me, let me know! ;)
