Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Holy Hotdogs!?

Seriously, not to get all political here... but what is happening to our rights as American Citizen's?!
Freedom of Speech, the First Amendment right... like all the other rights we have are under attack.
I've really been trying (hard) to stop paying attention to it all because quite frankly, it puts me in a constant state of panic.

But upon opening my email this morning I find this article:


This guy is being sued by the state of North Carolina for keeping a public blog.
He's a diabetic who embraced the Paleo/Caveman diet and lost 45 pounds doing so...
and got off of all meds!
Good for him right?!  People are interested when you have something that works... so he decided to blog about his experience (much like I'm doing here, I might add)... only the state sued him for not being a licensed dietician and sharing information publicly.

I think anyone with common sense knows, when they read a blog... to take it with a grain of salt, right?!
This is one person's experience and/or opinions... no one thing is right for every person!

So, not that I'm famous here by any means... but seeing as this is a public blog... humor me, and allow me to make this disclaimer:

****I am not a licensed dietician, personal trainer, or otherwise... nor am I any kind of guru on anything running or otherwise!
This blog is merely the documentation of my journey to a healthier, happier me!
Nothing more, nothing less.
I wish to inspire others to live a happy, healthy life as well...
by whatever means they see fit!****

That is all.
Thank you very much! :)


So anyhow, now that we got that outta the way... Happy May Day! :)

Happy first day of juicing for me (and Jeff... he's on board too!)

Started the day with a watermellon, grapefruit, pineapple, carrot juice with a tbsp. of flax seed... Juice!
It was beautiful, delicious, nutritious-ness!  The kids even loved it!

Middle of the day... it was all about the greens!  Celery, broccoli, kale, a whole apple, more flax seed, Vega One Supplement and some Coconut Water.  Not bad!  Tasted very clean and refreshing... ice helped too.  Surprisingly, very filling... I could hardly drink it all!  Bottoms up....

Not gonna lie... I'm looking forward to dinner... Salmon with my homemade tzatziki sauce, steamed asparagus, tomato and mozzarella with basil and balsamic vinegar.  Mmmmm.... Bon appetito! 

1 comment:

  1. Juice that's it....crazy woman....how in the world are you going to make Salmon into a juice.....seriously!
