Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dirty Dozen, Clean 15

So yesterday, my 1st day of juicing was rough!  I had to throw in some cauliflower puree soup after dinner because I was still hungry.  I had a headache and no energy.  I was dragging butt all day long!
I guess if I'm going to do this I picked the right time to start while I'm down and out with a bum ankle anyhow!  The ankle is still sore by the way, but getting better every day! :)

I've read this to be typical when getting started on juicing and that it will get easier!
I'm not even juicing exclusively!  Just using it as a meal replacement for 2 meals a day!
So, for now on, If I get a headache or start to feel weak, I'm just going to make MORE juice.... forget twice a day... eat one healthy meal and juice whenever needed is my new philosophy!
It's all good stuff anyhow!
But FYI, my son turns 5 this month and I WILL be having a slice of his pineapple banana cake with cool whip/pudding frosting!  Yum!  And in the whole mix of things, he could have picked a much unhealthier cake option... so I am grateful, he did not! :)
OH and I have a Mom's Night Out coming up where a slice of pizza and a glass or two of beer will be consumed! ;)  I don't believe in depriving myself in special situations!  Puts such a damper on the overall mood of the people around you also!  I want to be happy and live it up, in moderation!
Besides, calories don't count when they're shared with friends, right!? ;)

Now that I'm getting into juicing... I've been researching recipes and looking for good combinations.
Upon my search I found this list of clean and dirty fruits and vegetables.

Have you heard of this, Dirty Dozen, Clean 15?

Very interesting!  I had never heard of this before!  Good to know!
I think I'm going to print it up to take to the grocery store with me,
so I know which produce I should be buying organic!

In my search, I also found a hot tip on how to clean your fruit and veggies!

Soak them in a clean, disinfected sink full of luke warm
(why luke anyway, why not Paul or Sam?  Just wonder'n?)
anyhow, luke warm water with 1 cup of white vinegar.
Soak for 10 minutes, rinse, dry and arrange in your fruit bowl or fridge.... voila!

And the weather, has been crap!  I'm hoping the sun decides to come out soon and stay out for a while.
This fluorescent happy light isn't cut'n it!  I need SUN! :)
Just say'n...  (don't you hate it when people say that!?)  :) HA!

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