Thursday, May 24, 2012

Evan Dollard a.k.a. "The Rocket!"

I'm tired of talking about me!
And if I'm tired of talking about me, I know you are tired of hearing/reading about me!  HA! :)

I've never done anything so 'self absorbed' before for any such length of time, honestly...
I'm starting to become annoyed with myself!  Do you ever feel that way?  Weird, I know.

But really, I'm not doing much exciting right now in the ways of progress.
I feel like I've taken 10 giant steps backward with this pregnancy (surprise) and miscarriage.

And to top it off, the kids are out of school now so I've lost my 2 hour window to run with one kid.
In a week were going home to Las Vegas to visit family and friends for 2 to 3 weeks... so I'll update when I can but I think both I and you (my lovely readers) can probably use a break!

In the meantime I'll be doing all the right things, as often as possible and coming back strong in July (Race Month!)

For now, I want to talk about an inspiration of mine, Evan Dollard.  A.K.A. "the Rocket!"
He's from our area here in IL. and my husband first met him at Lifetime Fitness (our gym) where he was teaching little kids how to rock climb.
Then, years ago we watched him on American Gladiators where he played with SO much heart and determination... he stood out from the crowd!
I'm not even a big fan of gladiator type stuff, but I am a big fan of Evan!

His mom had passed recent to American Gladiators and he no doubt played to win, for her!
It was amazing to witness!  I rarely reach out to people but I was moved and so sent him a friend request on Facebook and an email telling him how much I appreciated how he played and how he was such a pleasure to watch!  He is such a nice and down to earth guy, he took the time to write me back.

Recently I see him posting about this new show he's competing in, American Ninja Warrior.  I tuned in just to see Evan compete again, and low and behold... there he is with all the same fire, conviction and dedication if not more than I witnessed the first time around in Gladiators!

Not only did he qualify in the top 15 out of 30 people to go to Vegas, but he holds the #1 spot with a time of 3:03!!  I was on the edge of my bed watching 2 feet from the TV, it was so exciting!
We're very proud of him and hope he wins the whole thing!

Don't forget to tune in and cheer him on, NBC Monday at 9/8C     GO EVAN!!!

Here's a video of his performance so far:

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