Thursday, May 10, 2012

Curve Balls & Crossroads

I understand in life there are curve balls.
I understand in life there are crossroads.

Image credit:  ©2001,

What I don't understand, in my life at least... is why they both seem to always happen at the same time!?

I'm beginning to realize that maybe the reason I have had such an issue with 'finishing things' is because 'things' keep happening in my life that alter the outcome of my goals.  It's not as much that I can never set my mind to something and see it through, but that life keeps throwing me curve balls and crossroads in which my goals become dare I say, impossible?
I don't believe in the word impossible.  The very word itself says "I'm Possible."

So maybe what I mean, is they truly become back burner, less important in the whole big picture.
This goal... will be finished.  I will achieve it.

Only now due to a possible move across country and career change for my husband and some personal health concerns... it may not be this year.   :(
We'll see... a lot is yet to be seen...

I'm frustrated, to say the least.

I've spent a lot of time in deep thought and prayer.  And I'm realizing that maybe On My Way to 15k is not going to be done in just 18 weeks.  And maybe my transformation to a healthier happier me ... may take a bit more time then I had thought also.  I suppose that makes sense considering it took me nearly a decade to arrive where I'm at.

So if you're interested in sticking with me on this journey that will no doubt be longer than expected... you are welcome to come along!

My updates may be less frequent as my focus and energy will be shifting from running and eating right to packing, cleaning and selling my house possibly... while figuring out my personal health issues too.

Mind you, it's probably more important now to be eating right and exercising... so keeping this blog going will serve as my reminder of that too.

God is teaching me the definition of keeping the faith... letting go, letting God.
I am learning patience.
I am learning grace.
I am learning resilience.

And as frustrating as it is, we don't get to choose when we learn life's lessons.
Or when we arrive at crossroads.  We don't get to decide or prepare for curve balls.
All we can do is adapt, bend, learn, grow... and do the best we can with what comes our way!


  1. I LOVE the last part of your blog! I also need to adapt, bend, learn, and grow when curve balls come my way! Let's learn how to hit those curve balls out of the park! Love ya!

  2. "Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out." -John Wooden

    The most intelligent and inspirational person I ever heard speak. He used to do lectures occasionally while I was at UCLA. Keep plugging along, things will work themselves out.


  3. Thanks Kristin! And thanks for calling, it was good to catch up! I love you lots and will miss you crazy if we move! :( We will be friends forever though, I do believe that!! Thanks for always being there and being so supportive!! You are the best!

    Matt, thanks for letting me type it all out! You are a good friend and always so positive! I really value your insight, courage and strength! Thank you!!

  4. Hi Mel... is it okey if i`ll copy your photo Crossroads for my school batchbook front page... is it okey with you?

    1. Crossroads Image credit: ©2001,

      The photo is not mine to authorize.
