Thursday, July 19, 2012

Holistic Healing

~ Today I want to talk about something that I feel is important as it pertains to our overall health but before I do I need to make it clear that I am in no way advising nor am I fit to advise anyone on their particular health concerns.  I am simply sharing my own experience along with the research I've found.
I am aware that my view points are on the holistic side of the spectrum.  
I feel modern medicine has it's place, but for me personally it will always be my last resort.
I am interested in treating problems not the symptoms... that being said, please read the following with that in mind.  Thank you!

In my early 20's I was diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease and high cholesterol.
In my late 20's (during my 2nd pregnancy) I was diagnosed with a benign solid mass that was growing in my thyroid.  I am supposed to be having a biopsy done on it every 6 months, however I have not been back since my initial biopsy.  If you've ever experienced one, you'd understand.  I prefer to act as if I have cancer instead and treat my body holistically.
Just this last year I was diagnosed with chronic dry eye, ovarian cysts and depression.

All of these things are fairly common and not necessarily life threatening... so I've given them very little thought and have lived with it.  Also, you wouldn't think that they could be related at all, but in fact, it would seem they may be the result of one single problem.

My step Dad was just diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer... and my husbands uncle is a thyroid cancer survivor.  In addition, I know many friends who have been diagnosed with goiters, hypo or hyperthyroidism.  Statistics are showing that many people are experiencing hormonal imbalances and issues with their thyroid.  But why the sudden spike?

I decided after my step Dad's recent diagnosis that I needed to do some research.

This is what I found:

Iodine Deficiency.  

Iodine?  But isn't it bad?  

Ummm, according to modern medicine, yes... but according to clinical data and history.  NO!
95% of the population is actually Iodine Deficient... and the symptoms include all of the ailments I listed above and then some!

Dr. David Brownstein of Minnesota specializes in Holistic Family Medicine and he has published some very interesting information regarding the Thyroid and Iodine!  

But before you reach for your Iodized Salt... hold up!  
Did you know that salt actually inhibits the absorption of Iodine?!  
Seems sort of counterproductive huh?  

And according to Dr. Brownstein the amount of iodine needed per day is actually much higher then the FDA suggests.  Shocker huh?!

Back in the 60's there used to be enough iodine in one slice of bread to get your daily dose of Iodine.
But they stopped adding Iodine, which we need and started adding Bromine.    Bromine is toxic.
But that shouldn't be surprising, so is Aspartame, Nitrates, High Fructose Corn Syrup and so many other 'additives' they put in our food.

From the CDC website on Bromine:

Immediate signs and symptoms of exposure to bromine

  • Breathing bromine gas could cause you to cough, have trouble breathing, get a headache, have irritation of your mucous membranes (inside your mouth, nose, etc.), be dizzy, or have watery eyes.
  • Getting bromine liquid or gas on your skin could cause skin irritation and burns. Liquid bromine that touches your skin may first cause a cooling sensation that is closely followed by a burning feeling.
  • Swallowing bromine-containing compounds (combinations of bromine with other chemicals) would cause different effects depending on the compound. Swallowing a large amount of bromine in a short period of time would be likely to cause symptoms such as nausea and vomiting (gastrointestinal symptoms).
  • Showing these signs and symptoms does not necessarily mean that a person has been exposed to bromine.

So anyhoooo....

I just got on Amazon this morning and started researching Iodine supplements and ordered one for my family and my Mom and Step Dad.... this is the one I purchased:

And while we're on the subject of holistic healing, I've discovered via Youtube (I love the Internet)... a video about curing cancer with baking soda and maple syrup or molasses.

In a pot, dissolve 2 tbsp. of baking soda in 8 oz. of water, then stir in a tbsp. of molasses and drink it, once a day. You can also drink this cold too... but the baking soda will be a bit gritty.
The healing properties have to do with PH Balancing.  

I figure that's safe, cheap and easy enough to try... I did this for just under a year and it shrunk my tumor from the size of a baseball to the size a small bouncy ball.

This has allowed me to breath easier and speak easier... with out my thyroid nodule pressing against my voice box and airway. 

For those of you that know me you know I am a singer.
This diagnosis was rough on me as removing the thyroid in addition to putting me on lifelong medication and synthetic hormones would also risk damage to my vocal chords.
Neither of which I was interested in doing unless it was absolutely necessary to survive.  

So as it is, I will continue with my baking soda, molasses concoction and I'm excited to introduce the additional Iodine I am so obviously lacking, and see how it affects me!  

I'll give you all an update as soon as I do!

Just thought you might like to know that Iodine, even though it has gotten a bad rap... 
isn't that bad afterall!  Who knew?!  


  1. do you think that you could diagnose my problems that i am having now mel and get something going so that I can feel better.....

  2. How far were you living from nuclear waste storage? The answer to this simple question could explain thyroid abnormalities you are describing.
    Does the mass in your thyroid affects your voice?

  3. Yikes, I just did a search and it appears Illinois, (where I live) has the highest level of nuclear waste storage in the country! I had no idea! Hmmm, making me even more glad I'm moving now! I'm going to read into this further... thanks!

  4. OH, and yes, it was affecting my voice... just makes it more hoarse and I get tired/soar in the throat... when reading out loud to my kids or talk for any length of time!

    Kristin, I wish I knew what was troubling you and/or how to fix it! But you should look into Dr. Brownnstein's books, he has a lot of good holistic information that might help?!

  5. Thanks for replying to my comment. As a former engineer of thyroid nuclear imaging lab, I always try to put radiation on the first place. It generally known fact that long term exposure to small doses of fast decaying alpha-emitters are contributing to thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer. Hoarse voice means that the mass presses on the voice nerve and may be calcified; is it visible from the outside? You may want to research about use of White Cinquefoil for thyroid nodule treatment. It should “soften” the nodule(s) and at least will make it more “mobile”.
    Best wishes!!

  6. Thank you, for taking the time to comment and educate me and others! That's very interesting! I usually only get hoarse if I talk a lot (which I do, a lot) :) but that's good to know! It is definitely visible from the outside, although not a bad as it was before I started with the baking soda and molasses. I'm going to look into white Cinquefoil and read up on this some more!

  7. You wrote that you were able to shrunk your tumor "from the size of a baseball to the size a small bouncy ball".
    If you could show before and after pictures they are going to be worth not just a thousand, but a million words!!

  8. Sorry, I did not think to take before and after pictures... didn't realize I'd ever be documenting anything on it. My husband could verify validity... but other than that, I've got nothing to prove it. I'm not trying to prove anything or suggest anyone do what I've done, afterall... I've got nothing to gain here. I'm simply sharing my experience, people can take it or leave it. :)

  9. It has been 4 years since you posted the above article. How is your thyroid nodule now? Has it shrunk completely?
